
Workflows for scientific computing center around writing scripts for a job scheduler, such as SLURM or TORQUE/PBS, on a high-performance-computing (HPC) cluster. The clusterjob package moves this paradigm into the Python ecosystem. It provides an abstraction of the common model underlying the various different scheduling systems. From inside a Python script, cluster jobs can be defined in a way that is agnostic about the specific cluster or scheduling system that the job will be run under. The job can then be submitted to a scheduler (either locally or remotely), and the state of the job can be tracked asynchronously.

The goals of the clusterjob package are reproducibility, robustness, and flexibility:

  • Allow defining a complete computing workflow from within Python. By scripting all interactions with the scheduler instead of submitting jobs “manually”, reproducibility is ensured.
  • Keep calculations together with data pre-/post-processing, analysis and plotting, leveraging the entire scientific Python stack. The Jupyter notebook is a great environment for tying together these different aspects of a project.
  • Robustness against any kind of crash or network disconnect. By caching information about submitted jobs, a workflow script can be aborted and rerun at any time, continuing where it left off. The intent is to manage a long-running set of calculations on a cluster from e.g. a laptop computer.
  • Aid in separating the calculation workflow from the specifics of a particular cluster/scheduling system. The clusterjob package can read all backend information and resource requirements from INI-style text files. This allows to easily port an existing computing workflow to a different cluster/scheduling system.