Computational Pipelines with pydoit

pydoit is an excellent tool for describing computational pipelines. It is similar to make, but much more flexible.

The following is a real-life example of how to combine pydoit with a cluster scheduling system. In this example, we do some quantum optimal control (the task of steering a quantum system in some desired way) using the QDYN Fortran library (without going into any details about the underlying physics). QDYN provides two tools:

  • qdyn_prop_traj [options] <rf> reads a bunch of input data from files in the “runfolder” <rf>, simulates the dynamics of the quantum system, and writes new analysis data into the runfolder
  • qdyn_optimize [options] <rf> runs an iterative optimization scheme on the controls stored in the runfolder. In each iteration, the evolution of the quantum system gets closer to some desired target. The program performs a fixed number of these iterations, and then writes the “optimized” controls to files in the runfolder

Both of these programs are parallelized using MPI (see also the section about Parallelization Paradigms).

The entire chain of computations is expressed in a table:

import pandas as pd
params_data_str = r'''
#    T  lambda_a  n_trajs   iter_stop
    10     0.001       10          10
    10    0.0005       10          15
    10    0.0001       10          30
    20     0.001       10          20
    50     0.001       10          30
    70     0.001       10          30
params_df = pd.read_fwf(
        StringIO(params_data_str), comment='#', header=1,
        names=['T', 'lambda_a', 'n_trajs', 'iter_stop'])

We want to look at the control problem for different physical durations T of the process; The parameter lambda_a is a “step width” of the optimization algorithm, n_trajs is how many parallel MPI processes we can use, and iter_stop is the number of iterations of the control algorithm. Our computation pipeline contains four actions:

  1. For each duration T in the table, create a unique runfolder and write the appropriate input data to files in this folder
  2. For the different values of iter_stop for any given T, modify the data in the runfolder to reflect the corresponding lambda_a
  3. Submit a job to the cluster that runs qdyn_optimize until iter_stop is reached.
  4. Finally, after all optimizations are done, for each runfolder (i.e., each unique T), submit a job to the cluster that runs qdyn_prop_traj in order to analyze the result of the optimization

Thus, based on the above table, the following specific steps are required:

  • Generate input data for T=10 in the runfolder ./data/rf10
  • Generate input data for T=20 in the runfolder ./data/rf20
  • Generate input data for T=50 in the runfolder ./data/rf50
  • Generate input data for T=70 in the runfolder ./data/rf70
  • Modify the data in the ./data/rf10 to do an optimization with step width 0.001, stopping after 10 iterations
  • Modify the data in the ./data/rf20 to do an optimization with step width 0.001, stopping after 20 iterations
  • Modify the data in the ./data/rf50 to do an optimization with step width 0.001, stopping after 30 iterations
  • Modify the data in the ./data/rf70 to do an optimization with step width 0.001, stopping after 30 iterations
  • Submit a job the the cluster that runs qdyn_optimize [options] ./data/rf10
  • Submit a job the the cluster that runs qdyn_optimize [options] ./data/rf20
  • Submit a job the the cluster that runs qdyn_optimize [options] ./data/rf50
  • Submit a job the the cluster that runs qdyn_optimize [options] ./data/rf70
  • After submitted job for ./data/rf10 finishes, modify the data in that runfolder to continue the optimization with step width 0.0005, stopping after iteration 15
  • Submit another job the the cluster that runs qdyn_optimize [options] ./data/rf10
  • After that job finishes, modify the data in that runfolder to continue the optimization with step width 0.0001, stopping after iteration 30
  • Submit another job the the cluster that runs qdyn_optimize [options] ./data/rf10
  • After submitted optimization jobs for ./data/rf10 finish, submit a job that runs qdyn_prop_traj [options] ./data/rf10
  • After submitted optimization jobs for ./data/rf20 finish, submit a job that runs qdyn_prop_traj [options] ./data/rf20
  • After submitted optimization jobs for ./data/rf50 finish, submit a job that runs qdyn_prop_traj [options] ./data/rf50
  • After submitted optimization jobs for ./data/rf70 finish, submit a job that runs qdyn_prop_traj [options] ./data/rf70


The first two of the actions in our pipeline (generating the input data, and modifying that data for a specific value of lambda_a/iter_stop) do not involve clusterjob. These are handled by two Python routines:

  • write_model(rf, T, lambda_a, iter_stop): write input data to the runfolder rf
  • update_config(rf, lambda_a, iter_stop): update the config file in the runfolder file new data

For the remaining two actions, we use routines that generate and submit job scripts. We set this up as

import clusterjob

where the configuration file cluster.ini contains:

backend = slurm
cache_folder = ./data/cache
module_load =
    module load intel
    module load mpi

nodes = 1
threads = 1
mem = 10000

This is for running the pipeline on a single workstation with the SLURM scheduler installed. With a different configuration file, we could use a different scheduler or submit to a remote cluster with more compute nodes.

The action routines now are:

from textwrap import dedent

def submit_optimization(rf, n_trajs, task):
    body = dedent(r'''

    cd {rf}
    OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 mpirun -n {n_trajs} qdyn_optimize --n-trajs={n_trajs} \
        --J_T=J_T_sm .
    taskname = "oct_%s" %":", '_')
    jobscript = clusterjob.JobScript(
        body=body, filename=join(rf, 'oct.slr'),
        jobname=taskname, nodes=1, ppn=int(n_trajs), threads=1,
        stdout=join(rf, 'oct.log'))
    jobscript.rf = rf
    jobscript.n_trajs = str(int(n_trajs))
    run = jobscript.submit(cache_id=taskname)
    run.dump(join(rf, 'oct.job.dump'))
def submit_propagation(rf, n_trajs):
    body = dedent(r'''

    cd {rf}
    OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 mpirun -n {n_trajs} qdyn_prop_traj --n-trajs={n_trajs} \
        --use-oct-pulses --write-final-state=state_final.dat .
    taskname = "prop_" + os.path.split(rf)[-1]
    jobscript = clusterjob.JobScript(
        body=body, filename=join(rf, 'prop.slr'),
        jobname=taskname, nodes=1, ppn=int(n_trajs), threads=1,
        stdout=join(rf, 'prop.log'))
    jobscript.rf = rf
    jobscript.n_trajs = str(int(n_trajs))
    run = jobscript.submit(cache_id=taskname, force=True)
    run.dump(join(rf, 'prop.job.dump'))

Both of these store a dump of the submitted job to a file inside the runfolder. We then have another action that polls the scheduler, waiting for the job to finish successfully:

def wait_for_clusterjob(dumpfile):
        run = clusterjob.AsyncResult.load(dumpfile)
        return run.successful()
    except OSError:
        # dump file was already removed in earlier execution


We now build the pipeline of pydoit tasks using the above actions, and the information in the params_df table. For convenience, we identify the appropriate runfolder for each row in params_df as

def runfolder(row):
    return './data/rf%d' % row['T']

First, we create a runfolder for each unique value of T:

def task_create_runfolder():
    jobs = {}
    for ind, row in params_df.iterrows():
        rf = runfolder(row)
        if rf in jobs:
            # only one task per runfolder, not per row!
        jobs[rf] = {
            'name': str(rf),
            'actions': [
                (write_model, [], dict(
                    rf=rf, T=row['T'], lambda_a=row['lambda_a'],
            'targets': [join(rf, 'config')],
            'uptodate': [True, ] # up to date if target exists
    for job in jobs.values():
        yield job

Next, we have a task that updates the config file data as necessary.

def task_update_runfolder():
    rf_jobs = defaultdict(list)
    for ind, row in params_df.iterrows():
        rf = runfolder(row)
        # we only update the config after any earlier optimization has finished
        task_dep = ['wait_for_optimization:%s' % ind2 for ind2 in rf_jobs[rf]]
        yield {
            'name': str(ind),
            'actions': [
                (update_config, [], dict(
                    rf=rf, lambda_a=row['lambda_a'],
            'file_dep': [join(rf, 'config')],
            'uptodate': [False, ],  # always run task
            'task_dep': task_dep}

The crucial part of this is the task-dependency: we only update the data after any earlier optimization in the same runfolder has finished (the wait_for_optimization task will be defined below). There is an implicit dependence on task_create_runfolder through the existence of the file ‘config’ inside the runfolder.

In order to run the optimization, we have one task to run the submit_optimization action.

def task_submit_optimization():
    rf_jobs = defaultdict(list)
    for ind, row in params_df.iterrows():
        rf = runfolder(row)
        task_dep = ['wait_for_optimization:%s' % ind2 for ind2 in rf_jobs[rf]]
        task_dep.append('update_runfolder:%s' % ind)
        yield {
            'name': str(ind),
            'actions': [
                (submit_optimization, [rf, ], dict(n_trajs=row['n_trajs']))],
                # 'task' keyword arg is added automatically
            'task_dep': task_dep,
            'uptodate': [(pulses_uptodate, [], {'rf': rf}), ],

Again, we only start an optimization, after each earlier optimization in the same runfolder has finished. This relies on a task that simply waits for the submitted job to finish.

It is worth noting that we define the pipeline primarily using task dependencies, not file dependencies. We have custom routine pulses_uptodate that checks whether an optimization needs to be run. Task dependencies are a feature that is unique to pydoit (in comparison to make, which defines targets entirely through files). That being said, we use task dependencies here only because we want to dynamically change the data in the runfolder between tasks. In our example, the reason for this is that write_model generate a large amount of data to the runfolder, whereas update_config only makes a very small modification. In a situation where the pipeline can be expressed through file dependencies (if later tasks do not modify the data from earlier tasks), it is often more straightforward to do this.

def task_wait_for_optimization():
    for ind, row in params_df.iterrows():
        rf = runfolder(row)
        yield {
            'name': str(ind),
            'task_dep': ['submit_optimization:%d' % ind],
            'actions': [
                (wait_for_clusterjob, [join(rf, 'oct.job.dump')], {}),]}

The propagation is handled separately and independent of the optimization. Again, we have two tasks, one to submit the propagation, and one to wait for the submitted job to finish.

def task_submit_propagation():
    jobs = {}
    for ind, row in params_df.iterrows():
        rf = runfolder(row)
        jobs[rf] = {
            'name': str(rf),
            'actions': [
                (submit_propagation, [rf, ], dict(n_trajs=row['n_trajs']))],
            'file_dep': [join(rf, 'pulse1.oct.dat'),],}
    for job in jobs.values():
        yield job
def task_wait_for_propagation():
    jobs = {}
    for ind, row in params_df.iterrows():
        rf = runfolder(row)
        jobs[rf] = {
            'name': str(rf),
            'task_dep': ['submit_propagation:%s' % rf],
            'actions': [
                (wait_for_clusterjob, [join(rf, 'prop.job.dump')], {}),]}
    for job in jobs.values():
        yield job

Running the pipline

It is often convenient to use the Jupyter notebook to define the pipeline; in this case, we use the %doit magic to run it:

from import register_doit_as_IPython_magic


%doit -n 4 wait_for_optimization


.  create_runfolder:./data/rf10
.  create_runfolder:./data/rf20
.  create_runfolder:./data/rf50
.  create_runfolder:./data/rf70
.  update_runfolder:0
.  update_runfolder:3
.  update_runfolder:4
.  submit_optimization:0
.  update_runfolder:5
.  submit_optimization:3
.  submit_optimization:5
.  submit_optimization:4
.  wait_for_optimization:0
.  wait_for_optimization:3
.  wait_for_optimization:5
.  wait_for_optimization:4
.  update_runfolder:1
.  submit_optimization:1
.  wait_for_optimization:1
.  update_runfolder:2
.  submit_optimization:2
.  wait_for_optimization:2

After that, we run the propagation as

%doit -n 4 wait_for_propagation

resulting in:

.  submit_propagation:./data/rf10
.  submit_propagation:./data/rf20
.  submit_propagation:./data/rf50
.  submit_propagation:./data/rf70
.  wait_for_propagation:./data/rf10
.  wait_for_propagation:./data/rf20
.  wait_for_propagation:./data/rf50
.  wait_for_propagation:./data/rf70

Calling doit with 4 processes (-n 4) can provide small speedup: by having split our tasks into “submission” and “wait”, we already largely have an asynchronous pipeline (submit_optimizaton finishes immediately). However, with the additional parallelization we create all the runfolder in parallel, and we also monitor the scheduler for several jobs at the same time (wait_for_optimization runs in parallel, instead of in series).

If the pipeline is run again after it finishes, only the actions of the update_runfolder tasks are actually execute; pydoit recognizes everything else as “up-to-date”. If we add or modify rows in params_df, re-running the pipeline will only add the missing data.

Moreover, the caching feature of clusterjob ensures that we could actually kill pydoit, respectively the notebook containing the pipeline. If we then were to re-execute it at some later time, clusterjob would pick up already submitted jobs.