Source code for clusterjob.backends.lpbs

LPBS backend
from __future__ import absolute_import
from .pbs import PbsBackend

[docs]class LPbsBackend(PbsBackend): """LPBS Backend""" name = 'lpbs' extension = 'pbs' prefix = '#PBS'
[docs] def cmd_submit(self, jobscript): """Given a :class:`~clusterjob.JobScript` instance, return a ``lqsub`` command that submits the job to the scheduler, as a list of program arguments. """ return ['lqsub', jobscript.filename]
[docs] def cmd_status(self, run, finished=False): """Given a :class:`~clusterjob.AsyncResult` instance, return a ``lqstat`` command that queries the scheduler for the job status.""" return ['lqstat', str(run.job_id)]
[docs] def cmd_cancel(self, run): """Given a :class:`~clusterjob.AsyncResult` instance, return a ``lqdel`` command that cancels the run, as a list of command arguments. """ return ['lqdel', str(run.job_id)]