Source code for clusterjob.backends.pbs

PBS/TORQUE backend
from __future__ import absolute_import
import re

from ..status import PENDING, RUNNING, COMPLETED
from .. import ClusterjobBackend

[docs]class PbsBackend(ClusterjobBackend): """PBS/TORQUE Backend Attributes: name (str): Name of the backend extension (str): Extension for job scripts prefix (str): The prefix for every line in the resource header status_mapping (dict): map single-letter PBS status codes to clusterjob integer status codes. resource_replacements (dict): mapping of the common clusterjob resource keys to command line options of the `qsub` command. job_vars (dict): mapping of *core environment variables* to PBS-specific environment variables. """ name = 'pbs' extension = 'pbs' prefix = '#PBS' def __init__(self): self.status_mapping = { 'C' : COMPLETED, 'B' : RUNNING, 'E' : RUNNING, 'H' : PENDING, 'M' : PENDING, 'Q' : PENDING, 'R' : RUNNING, 'T' : PENDING, 'W' : PENDING, 'U' : PENDING, 'S' : PENDING, 'F' : COMPLETED, 'X' : COMPLETED, } self.resource_replacements = { 'jobname': '-N', 'queue' : '-q', 'time' : '-l walltime=', 'mem' : '-l mem=', 'stdout' : '-o', 'stderr' : '-e', # nodes, ppn, threads are handled separately, in resource_headers } self.job_vars = { '$CLUSTERJOB_ID' : '$PBS_JOBID', '$CLUSTERJOB_WORKDIR' : '$PBS_O_WORKDIR', '$CLUSTERJOB_SUBMIT_HOST': '$PBS_O_HOST', '$CLUSTERJOB_NAME' : '$PBS_JOBNAME', '$CLUSTERJOB_ARRAY_INDEX': '$PBS_ARRAYID', '$CLUSTERJOB_NODELIST' : '`cat $PBS_NODEFILE`', '${CLUSTERJOB_ID}' : '${PBS_JOBID}', '${CLUSTERJOB_WORKDIR}' : '${PBS_O_WORKDIR}', '${CLUSTERJOB_SUBMIT_HOST}': '${PBS_O_HOST}', '${CLUSTERJOB_NAME}' : '${PBS_JOBNAME}', '${CLUSTERJOB_ARRAY_INDEX}': '${PBS_ARRAYID}', '${CLUSTERJOB_NODELIST}' : '`cat $PBS_NODEFILE`', }
[docs] def cmd_submit(self, jobscript): """Given a :class:`~clusterjob.JobScript` instance, return a ``qsub`` command that submits the job to the scheduler, as a list of program arguments. """ return ['qsub', jobscript.filename]
[docs] def get_job_id(self, response): """Given the stdout from the command returned by :meth:`cmd_submit`, return a job ID""" lines = [line.strip() for line in response.split("\n") if line.strip() != ''] last_line = lines[-1] match = re.match('(\d+)\.[\w.-]+$', last_line) if match: return else: return None
[docs] def cmd_status(self, run, finished=False): """Given a :class:`~clusterjob.AsyncResult` instance, return a ``qstat`` command that queries the scheduler for the job status. It is assumed that by passing ``-x`` to ``qstat``, results for both running and finished jobs can be obtained. """ return ['qstat', '-x', str(run.job_id)]
[docs] def get_status(self, response, finished=False): """Given the stdout from the command returned by :meth:`cmd_status`, return one of the status code defined in :mod:`clusterjob.status`, or None if the status cannot be determined""" lines = [line.strip() for line in response.split("\n") if line.strip() != ''] last_line = lines[-1] if last_line.startswith('qstat: Unknown Job'): return COMPLETED else: try: status = lines[-1].split()[4] return self.status_mapping[status] except (IndexError, KeyError): return None
[docs] def cmd_cancel(self, run): """Given a :class:`~clusterjob.AsyncResult` instance, return a ``qdel`` command that cancels the run, as a list of command arguments. """ return ['qdel', str(run.job_id)]
[docs] def resource_headers(self, jobscript): """Given a :class:`~clusterjob.JobScript` instance, return a list of lines that encode the resource requirements, to be added at the top of the rendered job script """ resources = jobscript.resources lines = [] cores_per_node = 1 nodes = 1 if 'ppn' in resources: cores_per_node *= resources['ppn'] if 'threads' in resources: cores_per_node *= resources['threads'] if 'nodes' in resources: nodes = resources['nodes'] if len(set(['ppn', 'threads', 'nodes']).intersection(resources)) > 0: lines.append('%s -l nodes=%d:ppn=%d' % (self.prefix, nodes, cores_per_node)) for (key, val) in resources.items(): if key in ['nodes', 'threads', 'ppn']: continue if key in self.resource_replacements: pbs_key = self.resource_replacements[key] if key == 'mem': val = str(val) + "m" else: pbs_key = key if val is None: continue if type(val) is bool: if val: if not pbs_key.startswith('-'): pbs_key = '-' + pbs_key lines.append("%s %s" % (self.prefix, pbs_key)) else: if not pbs_key.startswith('-'): pbs_key = '-l %s=' % pbs_key if pbs_key.endswith('='): lines.append('%s %s%s' % (self.prefix, pbs_key, str(val))) else: lines.append('%s %s %s' % (self.prefix, pbs_key, str(val))) return lines
[docs] def replace_body_vars(self, body): """Given a multiline string that is the body of the job script, replace the placeholders for environment variables with backend-specific realizations, and return the modified body. See the `job_vars` attribute for the mappings that are performed. """ for key, val in self.job_vars.items(): body = body.replace(key, val) return body